Saturday, October 13, 2007

Week 7 TVP107

This week in the studio my roles were Talent and Camera operator. Acting as the host for the news item was fun and think I'm getting more comfortable in front of the camera each time I'm in front of it but I am still most comfortable behind the camera as i was this week. I thought I performed reasonably well as Camera Operator as I have not done that role in months. Even though I wasn't required to perform anything too difficult I got all the shots the Director was asking for and other then maybe getting a bit too close to what I was filming had no problems at all with camera operating. I think once again the group as a whole performed well especially my other two camera operators and everyone is showing confidence at their respective roles.
Since my last blog post allot has been happening on the road to W!cked. My Christmas show had a production meeting at Gelatisimo's on Monday and nearly the whole crew turned up which was really pleasing and everyone got to meet each other and the actors and designers and people got a chance to read my script. A variety of topics from costumes to set design to lighting ideas was discussed and everyone seemed keen to be and get involved with the show.
The following night we had our first run through and now even though the set has been changed so allot of what we did is now obsolete we had nearly everyone turn up and at least had a rough run threw of how the show was going to be and the actors got to practice their lines which is very good also. Pete the Director of my show met up with the designers a few days after to sort out the set designs so next time we practice we can do it properly.
Kate as my Production Manager has been fabulous and has booked the studio for every Tuesday night leading up to the live performance and as we have had one run threw already I have spoken to her about giving our next Tuesday rehearsal to another show and let therm practice while giving ourselves the night to film the dream sequences with the actors instead. This still means we are being productive while also giving others a chance to practice so i think it works out well for everyone.
I plan on ringing Marta Dai Primary again in the next couple of days to sought out issues such as time and if the kids can come for a practice run. other bits of organising that I've had to do in the last few days is organising with the Pre-school here at the University to use their dole house for the dreams sequences and they were very helpful and willing which was really nice of them.
Other things on the road to W!cked that I have been keeping busy with is the practice run in the studio with the BBQ show which was really successful and have to give mention to Mark as Director. My role for that show is Stagehand and my fellow Stagehand and I kept on top of everything and have our roles under control.
I was also Camera Operator for an insert which we filmed today and that was a very organised very shoot. Arriving at the "Handstand Factory" my Director and Sound Technician were there along with the talent and the handstand man we were going to be filming. After making sure my camera was on right settings and talking about what shots we were going to do and what was going to be performed we started shooting and everything went according to plan with some really good shots being taken and everyone working well together we finished without any problems.
So far everything is going very well with all my roles for W!cked and am looking forward to the live show experience and to witness all the hardwork that has gone in from everyone to see the end product.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Week 6 TVP107

The first week back from the break in the studio and my roles were stagehand and talent. We were doing short news pieces with a cooking segment. As I have been stagehand many times before performing this role has become second nature and everything went well as did the whole group today with everybody performing their roles very comfortably and there was a confident relaxed atmosphere as everyone returned to the studio. Cleaning and packing up after we finish shooting is even becoming quicker and more organised and everyone as a whole looks to be quite comfortable in the studio roles presented to them.
On the road to W!cked this week i wrote up a rough script and I think it turned out really well even though I will have to wait to the practice rehersal's to see if it works. I have also been to a producers meeting with Camilla and the other producers about scripts and how they are to be set out so I will have to organise my script again into the proper format but that shouldn't be a problem.
I have come up with an idea that im really excited about for the show and that is short dream sequences for the hosts in which they will dream of their faveorite Christmas present which should add a different and hopefully funny elemant to the show. I got the idea while watching the TV show "Scrubs" and think that if we do it properly will be really funny. I am waiting to speak to Marta Dai again just to go over a few details like buses and the children's arrival and departure times but as the kids are on school holidays I will have to wait til school is back before I can contact them again. I have met and spoke to Pete about organising a team production meeting for my whole crew for gelatisimo on Monday so everyone can meet each other and know who is doing what role and what is expected from each crew member as well as a chance for everyone to meet the actors and designers. Pete and I also spoke at length about the dream sequences and he was really for the idea so I was also happy with that and have nothing but praise for Pete as my Director.
For my other role as Lighting Supervisor I have done my scissor lift licence which will be a major help as well as been looking at different sites on the Internet such as, for different ideas and helpful hints.