Saturday, March 31, 2007


Another web based thing I have only just found out about but seems to be of usefullness ecspecially for photos. Any comments on how to take full advantage of this would be helpful. On my account I have photos of myself, friends and other things and will be updating these. Above is a fave photo of mine taken at my going away party in Campbelltown of my mates band INTREPID rocking out on stage

Monday, March 19, 2007


Well i can honestly say i dont know much about delicious as i only started using it today and it seems to be a very handy tool. Any opinions on the positives and negatives of it to help me get a better understanding would be appreciated. Here it is

Beer, Wine or Spirits???

After studying this topic of drinking quite in detail i have come to the conclusion that there is nothing better then a cold schooner of Vb on a hot summers day.
Other drinks that i like to indulge in are:
# A red wine with pasta, pizza or most hot meals. Paticulary Merlot
# Other beers then VB that I like are CarltonDraught and TooheysNew
# For lots of good information about wine click here
But my opnion will vary of that of other peoples so if the 1 or 2 people that read this blog that arent either my grandma or the team of scientific monkeys studying this please feel fee to leave your opinion...

Friday, March 16, 2007

Pans Labyrinth

I recently saw the movie Pans Labyrinth and it gave me an idea for my blogs- movie reviews. So here is my first attempt and as always this is only my opinion.
Pans Labyrinth
This has to be one of the most refreshing and original movies both visually and storywise of the naughties. Guillerm del Toro has created a fantasy world both breathtaking and scary, whilest showing the real world as a harsh reality and not quite as scary as any of the mosters we come across in the fantasy world. the story is set in the Spanish cicil war in the 1940's and about a girl Ofelia and her Mother going to live with her cruel new Father "The Captain" who is one of the more evil characters i have ever come across. Ofelia visits her own fantasy world guided by a 7 foot faun to escape the cruelty of her own world.
The movie is subtitled as it is in Spanish but this is not a deterant at all but only helps further distance it away from the usual predictable Hollywood story. It is simply a visually stunning movie that takes viewers on a dark ride through horror and fantasy that sets a benchmark for which all movies that fall into these categories will be compared to.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Welcome all Howleychoholics

Welcome to the Howleycho blog , here you will find useful and useless information that occupies the world of Howleycho. So sit back, relax grab some popcon and a pepsi and enjoy your visit.

here is a link to Joe's metablog .