Saturday, September 15, 2007

Week 5 TVP107

This first week of holidays I have been into the studio twice with Marcus and once with Jason and they have both been really big learning curves. The first time Marcus and I did allot of work with the lighting with him showing me how to direct the lights and which way they are facing as well as how to turn them on using the pole thingy. Marcus also showed me how to plug them in to the different sockets with the connections and size sockets.
We also had a go in the control room using the special effects where I learnt a few new things and became more familiar overall with the control desk.
Alot of time was spent in the sound room as well just finding out different sounds that are on there. When Pat took Jason, Marcus and I in there a few days later it was even a better learning experience with Pat showing us how to route better and explained allot things so I understood how things worked better. Pat also explained how to set up for different things like bands which I would not have had any idea how to do before but would now at least know what needs to be done and how to do it.
Pat also explained how to incorporate special effects from the computer onto the TV screen or things such as inserts and how to move them around the screen and such forth which i had no idea how to do before where as now I have some idea and with a little more practice should have a full understanding and how to do it properly.
I have also contac ted the cook from Delicious cafe restraunt and he has agreed to be the cook for the cooking segtment for the show which is really good news.

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