Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Week 2 TVP107

For the last time we did "Hello Riverina" and all I can say it was one of our forgettable performances. Nothing seemed to go smoothly from the floor to the control room and ecspecially myself in tapes. I had done tapes before and had no problems at all. To start with the settings on the VTR's were on the wrong setting and I didnt pick it up even though I knew something was wrong because the times on the tapes kept changing and going out of time. other things such as mishearing calls from Director and fast forwarding to the wrong insert and then makeing the rest of the crew wait while I had to rewind back to the correct Insert. Even though i know how to do tapes properly and comfertably next time to ensure that these problems dont occur again is get into studio earlier as i arrived only bout 10 minutes before allocated time when maybe 15 minutes would have gave me more time to prepare. Other ways to improve my performance would have been to speak up when I think something is wrong and relax a bit more.
It seemed my flatness wasnt alone as our group as a whole just didnt seem to spark as the floor didnt seem to be quite on the Directors mark when it came to them getting the shots he wanted. Even with our taped segment the vision mixing sent black to screen instead of intro which didnt seem to far out with the rest of what was happening. In the end I can honestly say as a group i think we were all rightfully dissapointed with our performance, myself ecspecially.
On the road to "Wicked" my Christmas show is coming along nicely. Pete (who is my Director and Producer for the 1st insert on my show) and I went driveing for 4 hours the other day to try and locate this reindeer farm and after much knocking on doors and driveing down dirt roads we finally found the farm and spoke to the man running it and got everything organised. The next thing on my to-do list is to get in contact with this choir for my show. I have organised the actor for Petes insert but would like to and need to find out the other actors for my show to be able to organise things a bit more specifically.

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