Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Week 1 TVP107

This week during our revisit to "Hello Riverina" my allocated job was Stage Hand. Myself and the rest of my group seemed more comfertable and confident then I can ever remember us being even though it was our first time back in the studio in over qa few weeks. I was the lone Stage Hand today and had a enjoyable time doing it and thought I performed good in the situation of being the only stage hand. I was ontop of the situation throughout the rehersals and the taped show flipping over both sets of cards when they had to be and keeping the cables out of the camera operaters way other then the mix up on the first run through when camera one's cable went under itself while I was over with the cards but with help from the Floor Manager that never happened again and was the only blur of an overly good and comfertable performance. The Floor Manager was good in offering to help hold cables if I was busy somewhere else which really helped with the situation. The whole floor seemed relaxed and worked well together with the cameras adding more creative shots each time we practiced and the talent becoming more enthusiastic with a very good performance by Jackson as News Reader. As i was given head phones I could here what was going on everywhere and Mark as Director done an extremely good job and was in control the whole team getting the shots and performances and respect of all those working for him showing that you can be respectful and plesant to your crew and recieve good energised performances. The Tapes and Sound guys seemed to be ontop of their jobs from what I could gather from my view even and I think it was the best most confident "Hello Riverina" I have been apart of.
In the build up to "Wicked" I have been to a couple of Producer meetings which I found to be helpful as Camilla explained about what we were required to do as producers and also listened and helped with our ideas. My show has been Christmas themed which I asked Camilla about the day I found out I was Producer which has been good as it opens it up creatively about what I can do which is why I asked that I could do a Christmas show in the first place. From these meetings there has been some good and bad points with my idea about having one of my inserts being classic christmas cartoons such as bugs bunny not being allowed due to copyright reasons being dissapointing but understandable. The good points from these meetings is that Camilla is confident with my ideas that I present such as a reindeer insert and possibly a christmas carol or song to finish my show.
Another one of my jobs during the "wicked" shows is Lighting supervisor and I am excited about it as I have never had much experience with lighting but am keen to learne about it and have booked out the studio and watched Marcus and Mike set up and demonstrate different lighting effects which was helpful.
Overall im very enthused about whats happenign with "Wicked" and looking forward to working on it more.

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