Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Assesment 1 Post

Over the past few months i have created 3 accounts, a blog, a delicious and flickr account. In my blog I added several things such as a news reel, updated my profile, created a list, created a favorite links bar, created links in my blogs, added pictures and also added a lot of useful and useless information to share with people on the Internet. After experimenting with different templates and colours I found the one I'm with now the best suited for my personal blog. My 17 blogs range from movie reviews to music bands, to debates on alcohol and the Simpsons and even Chuck Norris with appropriate links throughout. I have also commented on other peoples blogs.
On del.icio.us i have made bookmarks to sites that interest me, and have bundled each of my bookmarks are labelled and have the MPI104-2007 tag. I have also recommended sites to other people.
On Flickr i have added my favourite photos and joined groups of my interest.
I think my blog has interestingness as it covers a wide range of topics whilst mainly being entertainment ones such as music and movies. I assumed the people reading my blog would have found it by the topics i covered such as entertainment and tried to provide informative, witty assessments on the topics i blogged about. To add range i added links wherever possible that would be useful or of interest to other people and also added pictures of topic i was talking about. I also talked about other things such as favourite wines and also Chuck Norris so that anyone of any interest could take something away from my blog.
On Deli.ic.ioucs i added bookmarks that i thought other people would find interesting and also myself whether it be the Rollingstone or the WWE wrestling website i tried to cater for a wide scope of peoples interests.
On Flickr i tried putting photos of what i thought were really good pictures and ones people would like to look at. I put up a lot of music band ones as they have a certain energy that i think comes through really well in photos.

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