Friday, May 25, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean 3

Even though i liked the 3rd pirates movie and Johnny Depp was as funny as ever there was something about it that seemed to be lacking. even though the characters in it were already developed from the last 2 movies it just seemed that there was not much to each of them other then lies and betrayel. It seemed they were there to fill in the big sequences or something.As mentioned before johnny Depp was flawless but others were merely background such as Orlando Bloom and Captain Norington. kiera Knightlys Miss Elizabeth was in it more then i liked and her charcter fighting off monsters and pirates with ease made the baddies less scary. The 2 pirates from the last 2( the one with wooden eye and short fat 1) were not in this nearly enough as with the bad guys in Davey Jones and the Captain from the East India tradeing company. The movie did have good special effects but so much was happening all the time it was hard to follow in some places. There were 2 many characters, 2 much going on at 1 time, 2 many double crosses but due to Captain jack Sparrow and the comedy throughout the film was still entertaining but would of been better to cut out some of the characters and special effects and concentrate more on story and characters. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End is satisfying but a bit shallow.

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