Sunday, June 3, 2007

Web Log week 2

This week I was Assistant Floor Manager for "Hello Riverina". As a group I think we performed well during our entire session, even with a Director who's style we were not paticulary used to. I think the taped production was good with improvemants maybe to the sound quality the only noticeable thing. As i was out on the floor and working with the Floor manager in paticular i think the floor did a good job over all as a team with maybe a bit more respect to the Floor Manager the only critical comment i could make. From the cable bashers who did good jobs of moving cables out of way -which me and a stage hand had to do in the last run when camera 2 moved to back of studio, we had little time to move alot of cables and we did it successfully and safely. The acting talent did a good job of presenting the show and by the final run all the camera operaters had there parts down. The Floor Manager and I worked effeciently together. I think with us sharing the duties of "cueing" in the talent it shared the workload and gave me experience at "cueing" and also relieved a bit of the workload for the Floor Manager which would of been helpful for them. This is where I learnt that there is silence after 3 in countdowns on the floor which was a very handful piece of information to learn.
To do the position of Assistant Floor Manager well, I think the main points are:
# Listen to your Floor Manager and follow their instructions and try to work with them
# Help out the stage hands with the cables if you are in position to help.
# Just be aware of all your surroundings out on the floor, paying attention and keeping focused.

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